June 16, 2020 6:07 pm
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Swelling in brick walls in Racine, WI is a common issue caused by water getting into the mortar joints of the wall. It’s essentially the same way potholes form in the roads—the water gets underneath, swells behind the surface with the freezing and thawing cycles of winter and pushes up and out on the material above it. For this reason, you’re most likely to notice this problem right after the winter has passed. Here’s an overview of what you should know about fixing this problem. Locating bulging sections of your brick wall The bulging bricks should be fairly easy to... View Article
June 2, 2020 6:07 pm
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Typically, contractors will try to avoid pouring new concrete when the air temperature is particularly hot. The hot conditions can make the concrete curing process a challenge. Concrete cures via hydration. The hotter the concrete temperature, the faster the hydration process gets, and the more internal heat gets generated. However, if it gets too hot outside, water in the concrete could be lost due to evaporation, meaning the concrete will not hydrate properly and could cure in a way that compromises its strength and structural integrity. If people pouring concrete aren’t careful, the concrete that gets poured in hot weather... View Article
May 18, 2020 11:05 pm
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When it comes to decorating your home’s exterior, the sky is the limit these days. Updates and developments in techniques and materials have made it easier than ever to have a home exterior that really lets your personality shine through. It can offset your landscaping in such a way that the entire outside looks integrated and smooth in a way that you perhaps never thought possible. It’s worth exploring what creative walkway additions in Racine, WI can do for your home, and the team at Langenfeld Masonry & Concrete can implement any plan you dream up—your only limits are your... View Article
May 4, 2020 11:05 pm
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When you’re assessing the curb appeal of your home or business, there’s a lot you need to keep in mind. The layout of the buildings, the landscaping and the appearance of the exteriors are all things you’ll likely notice. However, one thing you don’t want to ever overlook is your driveway. Its health and longevity can go a long way toward keeping your home affordable and livable, so you want to make sure you’re paying it the proper attention it needs. With this in mind, the pros at Langenfeld Masonry & Concrete have put together the tips below to help... View Article
March 25, 2020 9:37 pm
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Cracked or damaged masonry will certainly not be aesthetically pleasing, but the fact that it’s an eyesore isn’t what you need to be most concerned about. Instead, cracks and holes can allow water or pests to get into your home, and hasten the degradation of your structural surfaces. If you notice holes or cracks developing in your concrete or bricks, it’s important to get in touch with a skilled masonry contractor to determine what masonry repair tips in Racine, WI will be most effective in resolving the issue, or if the damaged blocks will need to be replaced entirely. Here’s... View Article