If you have extra bricks lying around, don’t throw them away. Reuse them instead! There are plenty of amazing things you could create with extra bricks, including fire pits, waterfalls, walking paths and more. You’ll have a beautiful new addition to your yard and avoid wasting good material. Read on for plenty of ideas on what you could do with those extra bricks: Create an elegant waterfall: A brick waterfall is the perfect addition to any yard. They’re elegant and offer the perfect place for birds to congregate on a summer day. These sculptures are also relatively easy to build.... View Article
A high-quality patio makes for a great outdoor spot to sit and relax during the summer months. The materials you use when constructing your patio will primarily be based on your personal preference—most people will choose either brick pavers or concrete. In making your selection, you should consider both practical and aesthetic factors. Here are a few examples of some of the brick and concrete patio pros and cons to consider when making your selection in Racine, WI. Durability If you’re going to be putting a fairly sizable financial investment into your patio, it only makes sense that you consider... View Article
Swelling in brick walls in Racine, WI is a common issue caused by water getting into the mortar joints of the wall. It’s essentially the same way potholes form in the roads—the water gets underneath, swells behind the surface with the freezing and thawing cycles of winter and pushes up and out on the material above it. For this reason, you’re most likely to notice this problem right after the winter has passed. Here’s an overview of what you should know about fixing this problem. Locating bulging sections of your brick wall The bulging bricks should be fairly easy to... View Article
Brick is an inherently durable material, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely maintenance free. If you want to keep your bricks looking like they’re in brand-new condition for as long as possible, there are some steps you can take to clean them off and maintain them with some regularity. Here’s a quick overview of some of the brick wall care steps you can take to keep your Racine, WI home looking great long into the future: Address mildew and mold ASAP: Mildew and mold can wreak havoc on structural elements of buildings, so if you notice mold problems starting to... View Article
Moments after a masonry expert begins laying bricks in Racine, WI in the dead of winter, the curing process begins. Under ideal conditions, the mortar that holds the brick together will stay hydrated long enough for the bricks it keeps in place to bond properly. When the temperature falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, however, the mortar that acts as glue during a bricklaying job begins to freeze. That’s when the problems start. If you’re about to take on the task of laying bricks during the winter, here are some things to keep mind to make sure you get the job... View Article