Brick is an inherently durable material, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely maintenance free. If you want to keep your bricks looking like they’re in brand-new condition for as long as possible, there are some steps you can take to clean them off and maintain them with some regularity. Here’s a quick overview of some of the brick wall care steps you can take to keep your Racine, WI home looking great long into the future: Address mildew and mold ASAP: Mildew and mold can wreak havoc on structural elements of buildings, so if you notice mold problems starting to... View Article
If you’re interested in increasing your property value in Racine, WI, either for your net worth or for an upcoming sale, there are a variety of types of remodeling projects you can take on that will accomplish this. No matter what route you take, though, it’s important that you have a clear plan in place before work begins. Make a wish list for projects you want to complete around the home, and get an accurate estimate for how much each will cost. Be realistic about which are priority items and which are a little closer to fantasy, and determine the... View Article
As a home ages, it becomes more likely to have structural issues to confront, including potential damage to or weakening of the foundation. By making foundation repairs early, before they become a significant problem, you can spare some major damage to your home and avoid some exorbitant repair costs. But how do you know when you’re starting to have issues with your home’s foundation that necessitate some repair work? Here’s a quick overview of some of the most common signs you’re having issues with your home foundation in Racine, WI: Problems with doors and windows: Have you noticed your doors... View Article
Moments after a masonry expert begins laying bricks in Racine, WI in the dead of winter, the curing process begins. Under ideal conditions, the mortar that holds the brick together will stay hydrated long enough for the bricks it keeps in place to bond properly. When the temperature falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, however, the mortar that acts as glue during a bricklaying job begins to freeze. That’s when the problems start. If you’re about to take on the task of laying bricks during the winter, here are some things to keep mind to make sure you get the job... View Article
Most concrete contractors prefer to avoid putting down exterior concrete during the winter because, once the temperature dips below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, projects take on a whole new level of challenge. If done improperly, cold weather concrete in Racine, WI can come out vulnerable and weak. In our neck of the woods, however, low temperatures are a fact of life. As a result, so are cold weather concrete jobs. Not to worry, with a little education, you can turn your cold weather concrete job into a total success. Why is it a problem to cure concrete when it’s cold? Without... View Article